‘Water, air, fire, stones and pages’ arrives with major with works of about thirty artists-Press NOTE (06/05/2015)

4 Jun 2015
The Cabo Mayor Faro Center hosts a collective exhibition with works carried out in different disciplines by about thirty Basque, Cantabrian and Italian artists. Until next June 30, 'Water, air, fire, stone and pages' you can see the creations of Ricardo Abanzua, Teresa Ahedo, Carlos Alcorta, José Pablo Arriaga, Milo Bianca, Sartori Bruny, Lliana Cammarata, Dori Campos, Marisol Cavia, María Jesús Cueto, Antonio de Martino, Gianni Favaro, Ignacio Garay, Aracha Goyeneche, Iratxe Hernández, Carla Horath, Immaculate Jiménez, Mónica Martín, Giusi Naletto, Giordano Perelli, José María Pinto, Evgeniy Planstinin, Willi Pintin, Zaira Rasill, Santi de Paulas, Carla Semprebon, Tiziana Talamina, Massimiliano Tonelli and Roberto Zabidea. Massimiliano Tonelli, commissioner of the exhibition, pointed out that this exhibition “joins several facets of art around common themes. The artists have been involved in the interpretation of each of the topics of the exhibition. ” Drawings, engravings, poetry, sculpture, performances and multimedia are the creative supports of this itinerant exhibition that began its journey in the Basque Country at the end of 2014 and will conclude in the fall of 2016 in Venice. The presentation that will take place at 7:30 p.m.