CLOSED THE XIV Edition of the Ibero-American Course of Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports-Press NOTE (06/14/2014)

13 Jun 2014
The UIMP campus in the flames hosted the official closing ceremony of the XIV Ibero -American Course of Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports, which has been developed in Santander from May 19 to June 13, and which brought until the Capital of Cantabria to 19 technicians with various professional profiles in the port sector of 11 Latin American countries. During these weeks, the program had a total of 60 experts who taught technical and specialized training in the areas of ‘port operations’ and ‘Environmental Management in Ports’. The directors were Cristina López Arias, director of the Port Authority of Santander; Íñigo Losada, director of the Marine Hydraulics Institute of Santander, and Ignacio Arrondo, Director of Services and Competitiveness of Ports of the State. The three co -directors fired the participants, congratulated them for their work and agreed to thank the organizing institutions of their effort to maintain this international postgraduate degree that, Íñigo Losada said, “it provides important added value”. The Clausura also had the presence of José Llorca, president of the State ports; Juan Enrique Varona, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Relations of the UC, and Sebastián Coll, Vice Chancellor of Internationalization of the UIMP. In his speech, Llorca congratulated herself on the organization of this course and revealed the commitment of the institutions that participate in it for maintaining it even in the time of crisis.